
<== Site of the Week for 2017-12-08 ==>

Piano Wizard Academy

Piano Wizard Academy, by Allegro Multimedia of Boulder, is a fun program to introduce children and adults to the piano. This multimedia CBT program uses a color coded system to help indentify keys. The introductory lessons show the students which keys to press to play a song. Many of the songs are displayed in a video game format.

The really cool part of the program happens in later lessons. In these later lessons, the program provides a visual introduction to music theory and helps the student learn to read written music.

NOTE: Music Wizard has an affiliate program with Share-A-Sale. This is a quality advertiser for art related web sites.

The video below shows the process in a bit more detail:

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Site NameMusic Wizard
Review History2013-12-06
Category Boulder Color: Music
Page Views7433
Previous10 Traits
NextAya Maguire

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DISCLOSURE: This page links to an affiliated merchanthelp of CommunityColor. I might benefit from sales generated by this page.

The store of the day is Barnes and Noble