
<== Site Review (2017-12-06) ==>

10 Traits

Alexia Parks is a the founder of the highly influential 10 Traits Leadership Institute. She has a Wikipedia Page. This page sites a Newsweek article that claims that she is one of the most influential people on the Internet.

Mrs. Parks is currently running a Kickstarter Campaign to sell some silly little one page thing about gender inequality.

In the video Ms. Parks says she has a one page solution that will solve the world's biggest problem: "Gender Inequality." She says the people who use this will unlock 100% of their potential and that, on the scale from 1 to 10, people who buy her one page solution will become a 20.

It is like listening to a female Donald Trump.

Indiegogo and Kickstarter are tools designed to help people enter the market. I get upset when I find people who are already on the top of their market using the tool as a marketing channel. Discover more Kickstarter Campaigns from Colorado.

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Site Name10 Traits
Review History2017-12-06
Category Boulder Color: Information
Page Views3034
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