
<== Site Review (2017-07-24) ==>

The Way Out: Kick-Starting Capitalism to Save Our Economic Ass

Natural Capitalism Solutions

Hunter Lovins of Longmont Colorado has penned several tomes including Natural Capitalism (buy at Better World Books) which seeks ways to develop market solutions for entrenched problems such as climate change. (NOTE: The FTC requires that inform you that, If you click on the book link and buy a book there is a chance that I get a commission which is about a quarter)

Her site Natural Capitalism Solutions has updates on this intriguing philosophy. Ms. Lovins is currently running a Kickstarter Campaign, ending on 2017-08-27, for her latest work called "Finer Future" which talks about creating an economy that services life. The widget below has the details on the campaign:

Discover more Kickstarter Campaigns from Colorado.

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Site NameNatural Capitalism Solutions
Review History2017-07-24
Category Boulder Color: Finance
Page Views4265
PreviousBeatnik Prints

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