
<== Site of the Week for 2014-08-01 ==>


The TentLab creates innovative new tents. The company has developed several hundred tent designs.

The company is currently engaged in a Kickstarter campaign (ending 9/15/2014) to raise $190,000 to create a new tent design called "The Rugrat" for young families with a toddler.

The video discusses the product and the new tent design. This design would employ new lightweight/non-shrinking state of the art materials. company wants to use a non-shrinking lightweight polyester material for the tents. The kickstarter goal is $190,000 as the company says they need 300 people ordering a $600 tent to justify the first production run.

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Site NameTentLab
Review History2014-08-01
Category Boulder Color: Sporting Goods
Page Views3719
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